

Exploration map for the architectural heritage of Câmpulung Muscel, through the numerous works of the architect Dimitrie Ionescu-Berechet.

The map was designed during the organization of the Festival celebrating the cultural and natural heritage of the city “3 Doors, 3 Countries” and was used many times by the children’s community of the city. It invites locals and visitors alike for a leisurely 2-4 hour stroll with history and whets the appetite for intimate knowledge of the place and the people who lived and live in it.

Author: Andreea Machidon

Maria Cantili Golescu Rețete de bucătărie

Recettes de Cuisine, Maria Cantili Golescu
Coordinator: Mona Petre
Editorial consultancy: Mirela Duculescu
Project coordination „“Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Diary-recipes, tastes, objects and experiments””: Andreea Machidon
Translation of the original recipes: Nona Henți, Aura Pandele, Mona Petre
Recipe texts recreated: Andrei Chelaru, Oana Coantă, Irina Georgescu, Cristina Mehedințeanu, Mara Elena Oană, Alex Petricean, Mădălina Roman, Horia Simon, Adriana Sohodoleanu, Adela Trofin

Recettes de Cuisine

Author: Marie, E, Cantilli / Digitalization: Mona Petre

Paris, 21 janvier 1900, 19 Avenue Bosquet

The notebook found in Villa Golescu’s the library offers a unique insight into the bourgeois and cosmopolitan lifestyle of the period, draw an imaginary map of the cultural influences from the region and from Europe, point out elements of the kitchen setting and utensils of the period, provide a picture of the foods and spices used at the time and present new curiosities about Maria Cantili Golescu, her family, the culinary objects of the period and the cultural landscape in which she lived.

The Enescu House notebook. Interactive exploration guide/ Pro Patrimonio 2021

Editorial concept Andreea Machidon / Graphic design Mona Petre

The notebook is a tool for interactive exploration of the Enescu House and its surroundings, dedicated to visitors who stop in the area for one or more days. Through games, challenges and walks, the story of the musician George Enescu, in relation to Mihaileni, and his mother’s house become accessible and interesting for a very varied audience. Bicycle routes and the selection of objectives in the area outline a broader picture of the rich cultural and natural context that the area offers to those interested.




Forgotten Textures: Inter-war Bucharest. Plastering Recipe Book, Pro Patrimonio 2019/ second edition, 2021

Author Ruxandra Sacaliş/ Editor Mirela Duculescu/ Graphic Design Mona Petre

The publication designed as a recipe guide concentrates useful information, both theoretical and practical, about materials, ingredients, recipes, finishing techniques, decorative textures, work tools and degradations often encountered in modernist buildings in Bucharest. It is intended for practical use and wishes to be an instrument of awareness for the general public and specialists in the field regarding the cultural and historical significance of inter-war plasters.

Who’s Afraid of the Matache Neighbourhood? Principles of Urban Regeneration for the Matache Area – Bucharest North Railway Station / Pro Patrimonio 2012

Editorial concept Mirela Duculescu/ Translation Alistair Ian Blyth/ Graphic Design arch. Octavian Carabela

The volume represents a book-manifesto, a book-project, a book-witness of concentrated urban activism phenomenon: the Hala Matache Phenomenon (2010-present).

The book argues for an alternative solution developed by Volunteer Architects to the official project based on the Zonal Urban Plan for the Buzeşti-Berzei-Uranus Diametrala in Bucharest. The publication received the National Prize ex aequo for the book section at the National Architecture Biennale 2012.

Education for heritage. Guide to ideas and explorations for the built and natural heritage and crafts / Pro Patrimonio 2019

Author Andreea Machidon / Graphic design Mona Petre

This guide aimed at teachers, non-governmental organizations and those with the initiative to implement an educational program on heritage focuses Pro Patrimonio’s experience gathered from children’s communities around Neamțu, Olari, Perticari-Davila, Izvoru manors and Villa Golescu in Câmpulung-Muscel. Designed in digital format so that it can be accessed from anywhere, the guide offers structured exercises for introducing children to cultural heritage. The activities can be integrated throughout the school year, in the Școala Altfel days or during the holidays.

Craft Map. Suggestions for Exploring the cultural Landscape around Mihăileni / Pro Patrimonio 2020

Concept Andreea Machidon/ Graphic Design Mona Petre

The information contained in this map resulted from research of the surroundings of Mihăileni village, Botoșani County, on a radius not exceeding 70 km, having as starting point the George Enescu house restored by Pro Patrimonio (2013-2020). The map is a collection of suggestions for discovering the cultural influences of Bukovina, Moldova and Ukraine, with distinct stylistic elements that can be traced in the ornamental motifs of houses, in the pattern of fabrics and in the decoration of ceramics.

The Golescu Ensemble. The Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung Muscel / Pro Patrimonio 2020 / Romanian version

Concept Mirela Duculescu / Graphic design Mona Petre

The leaflet is dedicated to the commemoration of 100 years since the passing of Vasile Golescu (1875-1920), a graduate engineer of the École des Eaux et Forêts Nancy and a forestry scholar. In 1910 Vasile Golescu built in Câmpulung Muscel the ensemble that became the historical monument Vila Golescu and the park in terraces on a place with natural forest, which now functions as a Cultural Landscape Observatory following the restoration project coordinated by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation

The Golescu Ensemble. Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung Muscel / Pro Patrimonio 2020 / English version

Concept Mirela Duculescu / Translation Aura Pandele / Graphic design Mona Petre

The leaflet is dedicated to the commemoration of 100 years since the passing of Vasile Golescu (1875-1920), a graduate engineer of the École des Eaux et Forêts Nancy and a forestry scholar. In 1910 Vasile Golescu built in Câmpulung Muscel the ensemble that became the historical monument Vila Golescu and the park in terraces on a place with natural forest, which now functions as a Cultural Landscape Observatory following the restoration project coordinated by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation.

The Golescu Ensemble. Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung Muscel / Pro Patrimonio 2020/ French version

Concept Mirela Duculescu, Mona Petre / Graphic Design Mona Petre

Dedicated to the Villa and the Golescu Dendrological Park, a wonderful architectural and landscape ensemble, the leaflet highlights the work of forester Vasile Golescu, the author of important studies about the forest fund in the Muscel area. He is the one who in 1910 conceived the terraced park around the house, a garden park, starting from the natural forest located on the hill and adapting exotic and rare species, brought at the beginning of the last century from abroad. Today, the historic park with an area of over 3 ha is a remarkable example of intact biodiversity.

The Golescu ensemble. Botanical Trails in Golescu Park / Pro Patrimonio 2020 / Romanian version

Concept Mirela Duculescu, Mona Petre / Graphic Design Mona Petre

Dedicated to the Villa and the Golescu Dendrological Park, a wonderful architectural and landscape ensemble, the leaflet highlights the work of forester Vasile Golescu, the author of important studies about the forest fund in the Muscel area. He is the one who in 1910 conceived the terraced park around the house, a garden park, starting from the natural forest located on the hill and adapting exotic and rare species, brought at the beginning of the last century from abroad. Today, the historic park with an area of over 3 ha is a remarkable example of intact biodiversity.

Golescu Ensemble. Botanical Trails in Golescu Park/ Pro Patrimonio 2020/ English version

Concept Mirela Duculescu, Mona Petre/ Translation Aura Pandele/ Graphic Design Mona Petre

Dedicated to the Villa and the Golescu Dendrological Park, a wonderful architectural and landscape ensemble, the leaflet highlights the work of forester Vasile Golescu, the author of important studies about the forest fund in the Muscel area. He is the one who in 1910 conceived the terraced park around the house, a garden park, starting from the natural forest located on the hill and adapting exotic and rare species, brought at the beginning of the last century from abroad. Today, the historic park with an area of over 3 ha is a remarkable example of intact biodiversity.

Honest Goods. Golescu Collection / Pro Patrimonio 2016

Authors Caroline d’Assay, Mirela Duculescu, Andreea Machidon, Ruxandra Sacaliș, Veronica Olariu / Editorial concept Mirela Duculescu / Graphic Design Mona Petre

Designed as a step-by-step journal, the publication represents the catalog of the Honest Goods collection from the London Design Festival 2016. It reflects a pioneering project in object design and craft through everyday objects that solve generally valid needs – lighting fixtures, utensils, fabrics and cooking and dining accessories – and are under the sign of the architectural heritage and cultural landscape generated by the Golescu Villa in Câmpulung Muscel.

The Photography Landscape Obaervatory in Câmpulung Muscel/ Pro Patrimonio 2013

Organizatori Caroline d’Assay, Alexandru Nastu, peisagist Nicolas Triboi, peisagist Clément Briandet, arh. Raluca Munteanu

Organizers Caroline d’Assay, Alexandru Nastu, Landscape Architect Nicolas Triboi, Landscape Architect Clément Briandet, Architect Raluca Munteanu

This written material records the work process and the results of a landscape workshop held in 2013 at the Golescu Ensemble – Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung. Looking from the garden of the Golescu Villa to the great landscape, the program of this training workshop combined theoretical presentations with debates and practical activities related to the evolution of the landscape (natural, anthropic, culinary), discussions and meetings with local actors who shape these landscapes in relation to the Golescu Villa historical monument.

Wooden churches. Guide for common maintenance and repairs / Pro Patrimonio 2016, Romanian version

Autor Raluca Munteanu/ Editor Mirela Duculescu/ Design grafic arh. Octavian Carabela

Acest ghid este gândit ca un manual pentru comunităţile rurale din România care doresc să utilizeze şi să întreţină corect bisericile vechi de lemn din sate, având ca punct de pornire programul 60 de biserici de lemn derulat de Fundația Pro Patrimonio. Ghidul a fost gândit să fie accesibil pentru oricine şi oferă îndrumări pentru acţiuni simple de întreţinere, dar şi pentru a înţelege procesul complex de reparaţie, dacă este cazul.

Wooden Churches. Guide for Common Maintenance and Repairs / Pro Patrimonio 2017, English version

This guide is designed as a textbook for rural communities in Romania who want to properly use and maintain old wooden churches in their villages; its starting point was the program 60 Wooden Churches run by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation. The guide was designed to be accessible to anyone and provides guidance for simple maintenance, but also to understand the complex repair process, if necessary.

Author Raluca Munteanu / Translation Aura Pandele / Editor Mirela Duculescu / Graphic Design Architect Octavian Carabela

Relocation of the Church from Pojogeni (Sept.-Oct. 2009). 60 Wooden Churches / Simetria 2010

Texts Șerban Sturdza, Mariana Celac, Sorin Preda, DAla Foundation / Graphic Design Architect Mihai Șulea, Architect Octavian Carabela

The publication includes a site log that exemplifies a special case within the project 60 Wooden Churches: the wooden church from Pojogeni village (1797), Gorj County. Found in a state of pre-collapse and in 2009, saved by dismantling and reassembly at the Cămărăşeasca Monastery (ca. 1780) from Târgul Cărbunari, located 10 km away. The wooden church entered both the monastic life and that of the neighbouring community in a very short time, now being used and cared for properly.

The Art of Ironwork. A Practical Guide to Ironwork for Children and Adults / Pro Patrimonio 2012

Author Sylvain Gabriel / Translation Alexandru Buturugă; Adapted by Mirela Duculescu, Raluca Munteanu / Editor Mirela Duculescu / Graphic Design by Architect Octavian Carabela

The volume is a textbook designed by Sylvain Gabriel – a qualified French blacksmith companion – for children and adults interested in learning the theoretical and practical notions of traditional blacksmithing. It is based mainly on other teaching materials to which those who learn traditional crafts at the public utility school Les Compagnons du Devoir in France have contributed over time.

Around the fire. Architecture, tradition and innovation in heating and cooking systems / Pro Patrimonio 2017 [excerpt]

Author Alexandra Mihailciuc / Editor Mirela Duculescu / Graphic Design by Mona Petre

The publication addresses the role, purpose and reuse of traditional stoves and ovens in a contemporary context. The content refers to clay, stoves, bread ovens, craft ovens, „ţest”, typologies of stoves and ovens, cultural dimensions, roof tiles, stove tiles, innovation and derived heating systems, a map of craftsmen, a dictionary of terms, practical observations.

The Art of Ironwork. A Practical Guide to Ironwork for Children and Adults / Pro Patrimonio 2017 [excerpt]

Authors: Sylvain Gabriel, Alexandra Mihailciuc / Graphic Design by Andrei Tache

The publication completes the blacksmithing manual written by the French companion Sylvain Gabriel and published by Pro Patrimonio in 2012. The material is updated with objects, activities and theoretical notions acquired between 2012-2017, during the workshops Hit the iron at the mansion! (P.P. Carp mansion from Țibănești village, Iași county), under the imprint of blacksmiths Léo Coutant, Sébastien Palomas, Fabien Monestier, Antoine Deroo, Pierre Hosta, Victor Hornez.

Brochure. Old constructions for new times / Asociația Câte-n lună și-n mansardă, Pro Patrimonio, 2013

Editor Anamaria Iuga / Graphic Concept Tudor Elian, Maria Daria Oancea

The brochure reunites principles of good practice regarding the reuse of old wooden sheds in households. These are among the constructions that still retain the specifics of the areas studied in 2013, during an interdisciplinary workshop made up of architects, anthropologists, ethnologists: Șurdești, Dănești and Șișești villages in the county Big.

The Leisure Time Warehouse/ Pro Patrimonio 2013

Text and drawings Oana Androi, Ruxandra Sacaliș, Marius Souls / Design, photos and illustrations Oana Androi, Ruxandra Sacaliș

This publication documents the wooden structures workshop held at the former Brewery in Turda July 14-17, 2014, with the theme of creating a covered stage set on a wooden structure located at the property boundary between the Arieș River and the factory building. The whole approach represents a step in the strategy of connecting the river with the factory and the center of Turda.

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