Activity reports

Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s 23rd year of activity involved two new emergency sites started hastily, against the clock and with reduced resources. But sometimes things fall into place so we can do what we set out to do.

The church in Șirineasa, Vâlcea county, included since 2014 in the 60 Wooden Churches project (next to the church of Urși, 10 km away) has entered the emergency intervention program. A protective superstructure is being built around it, necessary to protect the church structure from the weather and to allow repair works to begin on the roof, the wooden structure, the preservation of the vaulting and the paintings.

At the George Enescu House in Mihăileni we found that one of the rooms was infested with an extremely harmful fungus – Serpula lacrymans – whose development is favored by humidity, a common problem in wooden structures. The Enescu House becomes the object of study, an emergency intervention site. We work with specialists who help us understand the extent of the phenomenon and how to repair it. Research and intervention are constantly communicated to give everyone access to the results we obtain.

The 3rd edition of the Concerts on the Siret is dedicated to the emergency works at the George Enescu House in Mihăileni. In the 2023 season, they were held in Călinești, with the support and under the coordination of the Asociația Maria, in the spaces generously offered by the Miclescu Mansion in the village of Călinești, Bucecea town, Botoșani county.

As part of the Heritage Caravan, we launched a new type of heritage education kit, in which crafts and technology together draw a future map of Romania, “adorned” with paper models of the houses that light up in the communities where we run projects. The houses “provide” orientation and complement children’s curiosity with auxiliary materials embedded with details and related stories: history and architecture, nature, design or gastronomy. 70 packages with DIY materials, information and practical objects were sent to the communities of Olari and Botoșani.

The Golescu Villa Observatory Ensemble has been included during 2023 in the Circular Catalysts project carried out by the British Council Romania, in partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute. This program generated new collaborations between designers, artists and craftspeople from Romania and the UK and facilitated conversations around sustainable production practices and processes. Among the project milestones: a residency of British artist Anoushka Cole in Câmpulung, experiments and workshops for children and adults, a participation in the group exhibition Circular Catalysts at Romanian Design Week in Bucharest followed by a tour of the exhibition at HEI – House of European Institutes in Timișoara and later participation in the exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institute in London.

The Future Acceleration Program has entered its fourth year of collaboration and is the flagship intervention of the UiPath Foundation, carried out in Botoșani and Olt counties, with the support of Pro Patrimonio. Through this program, 70 children from five communities in the vicinity of the Enescu House and Neamțu Manor benefit from an integrated support package – monthly scholarships, weekly classes in Romanian language and literature, mathematics and English, clothes, school supplies, books, games, food packages, digital equipment, camps – and participate in various activities to develop digital skills and non-formal education.

The Pro Patrimonio program initiated in 2019 and materialized with the publication Forgotten Texts: Interwar Bucharest. The project “Forgotten Textures. Research and practical studies for repair and maintenance”, winner of a grant from the Romanian Order of Architects Stamp Tax.

The aim of this research project is to study methods of repairing deterioration by collecting and carrying out more extensive samples, material analysis, access to restoration sites for study and testing, collaboration with public institutions, material suppliers and contractors.

The “Creative Residencies Accelerator” program in collaboration with the Cărturești Foundation hosted the third Cărturești Literary Residencies Fellowship at the Golescu Villa and the first series of visual creation residencies at the Pro Patrimonio property, Casa Săsească no. 18 in Viscri.

SOS Heritage is the permanent lobbying activity and response to society’s problems through which Pro Patrimonio was involved in 2023. Examples of such actions: request for classification for the memorial house “Gheorghe Coman” in Slănic Prahova or for the former Textile Enterprise Lugoj as well as lobbying for the Steaua Română refinery in Câmpina.

Trans-annual, one-off projects and administrative activities have been supported by private sponsors, from 20% of corporate income tax, by 3.5% of the income of many individuals, by annual membership fees, by funding from the Romanian Order of Architects Stamp Tax, as well as donations from UiPath Foundation, Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, Fondation de France, Casa Storck Foundation, Asociația Maria, Southern Commercial Development Society (SDCS), Prebet Aiud, PSC Group, Caroline D’Assay, Costin Borc, Foraj Sonde Videle, EGGER Group, Dedeman, Fundația Cărturești, EPTISA Romania, British Council, Remmers, Kerakol. Thanks to all of them!

Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Activity Report 2023


The year 2022 was marked by several public events in the communities where we operate.

The launch of the music textbook supported music teachers, parents and children with a free editorial product in both digital and print formats.

The year-long cultural-creative project “Maria Cantili Golescu Culinary Diary – recipes, tastes, objects and experiments” brought together translators and linguists, chefs and culinary experts, students, craftsmen and designers, in a unique concept dedicated to the Golescu Villa. The festive day was a unique event in Câmpulung Muscel called on to continue.

Also during the year, the Golescu Villa hosted two important residencies, one literary and one environmental, components of the pilot program “Creative Residencies Accelerator”.

Taking advantage of the warm weather at the Neamțu Manor in Olari, intensive work was carried out at the restoration site as well as on the agricultural work on the land around the mansion.

For the second consecutive year the George Enescu House was part of the cultural-community project initiated by the Foundation – “Concerts on the Siret” – with organized masterclasses and concerts.

Heritage Education continued with workshops, kits and camps organized for children from Olari, Mihăileni, Vârfu Câmpului and Câmpulung. The music education lessons provided the children near the Enescu House with a necessary support in approaching music as an educational tool.

SOS Heritage is the permanent lobbying activity and response to society’s problems through which Pro Patrimonio was involved in 2022. #301forheritage, SOS Urlați Town Hall or lobby for the Steaua Română Refinery in Câmpina are just a few.

Trans-annual, one-off projects and administrative activities have been supported by private sponsors, by 20% of corporate income tax from some companies, by 3.5% of income redirection from many individuals, by annual membership fees, by funding from AFCN-type competitions, as well as welcome support from members of the Romanian Bohemian Ball 2022 and donations from UiPath Foundation, Prebet Aiud, Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, Southern Commercial Development Company (SDCS), Rockwool, Cărturești Foundation, Evanesse Design, IMSAT, Caroline D’Assay, Mr Robin Hardie, Maria Association. Thanks to all of them!

Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Activity Report 2022



The flagship project of 2021 is the conservation-restoration project of the wooden church in Urși, Valcea county, winner of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra 2021, winner of the Grand Prix / Grand Prix and the Public Prize at Venice 2021. In addition, it also receives the Grand Prize of the National Biennale of Architecture 2021 for the President of Pro Patrimonio Foundation, architect Șerban Sturdza, and the Distinction for the Promoting and Saving Heritage at the Bucharest Architecture Annual 2021.

In parallel with these recognitions, the Foundation carried out extensive works to restore Neamțu Manor’s facades in Olari and in partnership with UiPath Foundation, launched the “Experimental Centre for Studies and Education at the Neamțu Manor in Olari”.

Heritage Education programmes included the “School of Landscape, Art and Sound” at the George Enescu House in Mihăileni and the Crafts Workshop at the Neamțu Manor in Olari.

At the George Enescu House in Mihăileni, the garden landscaping works have been completed, resulting in a homogeneous and functional ensemble. A cultural-community project initiated by the Foundation was also the project “Concerts on the Siret River” held in the garden of the George Enescu House in Mihăileni, at the Miclescu Manor in Călinești and at the Moruzi Manor in Vârfu Câmpului.

SOS Heritage’s lobbying work has spanned the year in many difficult moments militating mostly for mobile heritage.

Trans-annual, one-off projects and administrative activities have been supported by private sponsors, 20% corporate tax rebates from companies, 3.5% income rebates from many individuals, annual membership fees and donations as well as funding from AFCN and Europa Nostra Award competitions.


Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Activity Report 2021



The foundation’s projects and activities were supported in 2020 by members, private donors, cultural funding as received from AFCN and the INP Historical Monuments Stamp Tax, the strategic partnership with the Uipath Foundation, charitable activities carried out with the Romanian Boyar Ball and the Charity Concert organized at the residence of the British ambassador in Bucharest or the significant support of private sponsors such as Prebet Aiud, Sikkens and Geberit. We thank all of them for helping us to fulfill first of all our flagship project, the inauguration of the George Enescu House in Mihăileni and the educational activities in the local community, but also the whole of the foundation’s activities that are part of its fundamental mission.

Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Activity Report 2020

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