We really like the complex project Grădina istorică (Historic Garden) created by Ierburi uitate (Forgotten Herbs) in collaboration with the Botanical Garden Dimitrie Brândză, University of Bucharest (opened in 1860!).
The authors of the project launched in September 2017 at the Botanical Garden reveal a bit of their concept to us:
”At the end of the field, after the amphitheater area where we plan to organize garden activities starting from spring, we designed a clearing. Now, of course, there is not much of it there, just barren ground, tiller hoed and finely raked, but a few days ago, after we finally got the seeds, we sowed our first plants on this patch.
The clearing will host a few bee hives and insect hotel, and for them as well as for us, we sowed a mixture of annual and perennial flowers only a few days ago, chosen to grow both in the sun and in the shade.
We selected a few dozen species, among which many melliferous plants are included (…): Erysimum, Malcolmia, Silene, Coreopsis, Eschscholzia, Alyssum, Saponaria, Cerastium, Bidens, Dracopis, Sanvitalia, Achillea, Borago, Papaver, Malva, Lathyrus, Digitalis, Aquilegia, Viola, Lobelia, Campanula, Mirabilis, Dianthus, Echium, Phacelia, Reseda, Myosotis, Lychnis, Centaurea, Oenothera, Lupine, Anethum, Lunaria, Cosmos. As you see, many of our insects will enjoy the best them from the first days of spring to late autumn.”
More details here:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gr%C4%83dina-Istoric%C4%83/1343799599082433?hc_ref=ARQfRC6xTlN1XNeCzL9SMlFtN-pTh8ngcoL4A-vQg0fJiiNUxxWPA7oahDvY4GbR2xo
Work in progress: http://www.gradinaistorica.ro/