“3 Doors 3 Countries”, 14 to 16 September 2018, Campulung

“3 Doors 3 Countries”, 14 to 16 September 2018, Campulung

„3 Doors, 3 Countries”It is a project and an adventure intercultural Pro Patrimonio Foundation launched the program of the Goethe Institute, CMA – Cultural Management Academy 2017-2018 – the three cities in three countries and three different contexts, responding to the challenge to test three types physical and metaphorical doors:

– past doors, behind which investigates and interrogates the tangible and intangible heritage abandoned unknown and its stories, and engage the community in the rediscovery of a brand identity in the past,
– doors future, those open to creative ways to highlight the public places
– door neighbor and those that introduce us to confront stereotypes and own neighbors, but also for ways of cooperating with Balkan neighbors by craft and design in the process of creating an object is to the origin.

Maps, questions and discoveries from Campulung (Romania), Hydra (Greece) and Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) will be documented and presented as evidence of a project pioneer signaling the cultural richness of each of these three places, in the context of similarities and differences between them in the Balkans, but also opportunities for collaboration.

In this project, Pro Patrimonio Foundation will organize a festival promotion and activation of cultural heritage in Campulung, between 14 to 16 September 2018, the following schedule:

Friday, September 14th
10: 00-15: 00 – MUSEUM IN BOX – Workshop for children at Villa Golescu.
16: 30-19: 30 – afternoon in the courtyard of the Villa Golescu crafts.
20: 00-22: 00 – FILM NIGHT IN THE CITY 1 short films dedicated to children, in collaboration with Animest.

Saturday, September 15th
10: 00-13: 00 – cultural adventure – “Tracking Berechet architect”.
13: 00-15: 00 – Presentation and tasting at Villa Golescu.
20: 00-22: 00 – FILM NIGHT IN THE CITY 2 short film “Splendida accidental death” and feature film “Titanic Waltz”.

Sunday, September 16
17: 00-19: 00 – EXHIBITION support short film “Splendida accidental death.”
20: 00-22: 00 – FILM NIGHT IN THE CITY 3 film Balkan surprise.


1.After-crafts table
Research Foundation Pro Patrimonio, within a radius of about 50 km around the Villa Golescu revealed a map of 45 craftsmen. We can not, unfortunately, bring them all together to know them, but we want to make it possible to find and direct interaction with stories, tools, materials and craft them through an event workshop right in court Villa Golescu of from Campulung.

We invite you therefore to an afternoon interactive, creative and full of craft with four craftsmen loved the Pro Patrimonio Foundation to discover and work with them in different processing techniques and modeling of wood and stone for weave and sew. We’ll see how it arose collection objects Honest GoodsWe talk to a designer in Bulgaria on the crossroads of two cultures in the process of achieving an object and have the opportunity to build your own object under the guidance of specialists.

Event Workshop will be held Friday, September 14th, 2018, at 16:30 in the courtyard of the Villa Golescu Str. Soldat Golescu nr. 3 city Campulung, Arges.

Both children are expected – preferably more than seven years – and adults.

Entries are made online, subject to availability, filling this form.

There is no entry fee, but a donation is welcome any spot.

2.Seri film in city
Unexpected pockets of the city can turn on overnight spaces for temporary events and creative installations. Pro Patrimonio Foundation explores and tested for three days mark the current parking, former cultural area of ​​the city (summer theater), as an area of ​​open-air cinema.

The first movie night will begin Friday, September 14th, at 20:00, with a selection of 19 short films Animest dedicated to children who are part of the “Museum in a Box” – a project co-funded by the National Cultural Fund Administration and run by the Museum of the Romanian Peasant.

3- age category 6 (60 ‘)
“Paper Polymals” / “Animals Paper” (Germany, 2016, 3’54), dir. Waldemar Schmidt.
“She’s Got the Blush” /”Lotte e timidă” (Belgia, 2016, 5’15), dir. Els Decaluwe.
“The Flying Boy” / “Fly Boy” (Russia, 2014, 6’24), dir. Eugenia Zhirkov.
“Piccolo Concerto” (Germany, 2016, 6`), dir. Ceylan Beyoglu.
“Tower” / “tower” (Lithuania 2014, 8’00), dir. Janis Cimmermanis.
“Prince Ki-Ki-Do The Swamp Monster” / “Prince Ki-Ki-Do and swamp monster” (Slovenia, 2014, 4’10), dir. Grega Mastnak.
“Please frog, just one sip” / “Please, frog, even a drop” (South Africa, 2016 9`55), dir. Diek Grobler.
“Hey Deer” (Ungaria, 2015, 6`17), dir. Bárczy Ors.
“SuperBot – Magnifying Mess A” / “SuperBot – it is higher under a magnifying glass” (Argentina, 2013, 3’17), r. Pablo Alberto Díaz Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso.
“Balloona Laguna” (Germany, 2014, 6’35), r. Matisse Gonzalez.

6-12 years age group (60 ‘)
“Ridiculous Wishes” / “The Three Wishes” (Russia, 2015, 7’21), dir. Ekaterina Savina.
“Leviathan and the Fox” / “Leviathan and the Fox” (Czech Republic, 2015, 7’12), dir. Lenka Božoňová.
“Let’s Play Story: The Ant and the Grasshopper” / “Let’s play of the grasshopper and the ant” (Croatia, 2015, 6’37), dir. Marina Andree Skop.
“Dinosaurs: Terrible Lizards” / “Dinosaurs, lizards fierce” (UK, 2014, 4’40), dir. Joel Veitch, Alex Mallinson.
“Anatole’s Little saucepan” / “pan Anatole” (France, 2014, 5’47), dir. Eric Montchaude.
“Song of the Lark” / “Song of the Lark” (Belarus, 2014, 6’57) d. Tatiana Kublitskaja.
“Tulkou” (Franţa, 2013, 11’00), r. Sami Guellaaï, Mohamed Fadera.
“The Brave Mother” / “the courageous mother” (Russia, 2014, 5’37) d. Alexandra Lukina.
“Hypnagogic hallucination” / “hypnagogic hallucination” (Belgium, 2013, 6’30), r. Group (13 patients).

Începem seara de sâmbătă alături de filmul de scurtmetraj „Splendida moarte accident”, un demers artistic important și atipic pentru scena artelor vizuale și cinematografiei din România, cu o recunoaștere internațională notabilă: “Premiul Jean Luc Xiberras” pentru debut la Festivalul Internațional de Animație de la Annecy, Franța, “Cel Mai Bun Film Românesc” la Festivalul Internațional de Animație Anim’est din București, Marele Premiu al Festivalului Internațional de Animație Animateka, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Marele Premiu al Festivalului Cinanima 2017 din Portugalia și plasarea filmului pe shortlistul din care se aleg nominalizările pentru Oscaruri în 2019.

The film, inspired life painter Medi Dinu life that crossed the twentieth century, is an evocation of historical moments and cultural figures who peopled life painter. Personalities such as Ion Barbu, Nae Ionescu, avant-garde group are mentioned in the film a poetic journey. Nicoara Ioana Sergiu Negulici and writers will join us for more stories.

The evening continues with a classic film, directed by Paul Calinescu play by Tudor Muşatescu, a milestone in Romanian cinema, especially for city dwellers due to shots to the Câmpulung “Titanic Waltz” (1:30 ‘).

Last evening is dedicated to sharing cultural heritage and will have a surprise film of neighbors Bulgaria and Greece.

Film series dedicated to both children and adults, will run from September 14 to 16, 2018, starting at 20:00. Open-air cinema will be installed in the center of the parking lot next to the Municipal Library “Ion Barbu”.

Events do not require a registration form in advance, we look so directly at the scene. There is no entry fee, but a donation is welcome any spot.

3.Aventura cultural – “Tracking architect Berechet”
Mult din bogăția și frumusețea orașului Câmpulung Muscel este, cu siguranță, datorată arhitectului Dimitrie Ionescu Berechet. Câți dintre noi știm oare să recunoaștem clădirile și stilul arhitectului, câți dintre noi am avut răgazul să fim atenți la detalii, materiale, decorațiuni, cum arătau oare aceste clădiri și edificii la timpul la care au fost construite, cum ar putea arăta astăzi?

Team exercises and sample observation, attention, patience, guidance, creativity and inventiveness it expects even challenge all young and they want to join a true cultural adventure type treasure hunt in the city.

Route and cultural adventure will start Saturday, September 15th, from 10:00 in the courtyard of the Villa Golescu Str. Soldat Golescu nr. 3 city Campulung, Arges. The route will take approximately three hours and will end with a festive surprise in court Villa Golescu.

They are invited to participate both children and adults. Teams will be made on the spot. Entries are made online, subject to availability, here .

4.Muzeul the box – Workshop for children at Villa Golescu.
Director, film, action! Pro Patrimonio Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Peasant Museum, the Villa Golescu waiting for a unique workshop staging of stories.

The workshop is part of a larger project to promote intangible heritage, “Museum in a Box” and proposes ingredients ideal for adventure creative and playful: selection and adaptation of a story, the characters and choice of appropriate techniques for building characters – patchwork, gluing, sewing or wire, establishing frameworks scenography and their construction.

Atelierul este adresat copiilor cu vârste de peste 9 ani și va avea loc vineri, 14 septembrie, între orele 10:00-15:00, la Vila Golescu, str. Soldat Golescu nr. 3, orașul Câmpulung Muscel, Argeș.

Entries are made online, subject to availability, filling this form .

4.Muzeul the box – Workshop for children at Villa Golescu.
Director, film, action! Pro Patrimonio Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Peasant Museum, the Villa Golescu waiting for a unique workshop staging of stories.

The workshop is part of a larger project to promote intangible heritage, “Museum in a Box” and proposes ingredients ideal for adventure creative and playful: selection and adaptation of a story, the characters and choice of appropriate techniques for building characters – patchwork, gluing, sewing or wire, establishing frameworks scenography and their construction.

about the project

Events in Campulung, between 14 to 16 September 2018, part of the “3 Doors, 3 Countries”- a project coordinated by Pro Patrimonio Foundation, in partnership with Greece and Bulgaria, supported by the Goethe Institute and Cultural Management Academy.

In this project, three different teams will document and present the cultural wealth of three cities (Hydra – Greece, Veliko Tarnovo – Bulgaria and Campulung – Romania) in the context of the similarities and differences between them in the Balkans, but also opportunities for collaboration .

In Hydra, Festival Miaouleia team in Greece the project “3 Doors, 3 Countries” a organizat, sâmbătă, 16 iunie 2018, conferința “Managementul și promovarea patrimoniului cultural tangibil și intangibil al unui loc” la Muzeul de Istorie – Arhiva Hydra. Conferință s-a axat pe rolul patrimoniului cultural în promovarea orașelor. Scopul conferinței a fost acela de a evidenția rolul rețelelor culturale în dezvoltarea regională și turism, importanța inițiativelor locale și a colaborărilor internaționale în promovarea unui sit prin dezvoltarea permanentă de noi produse și servicii culturale.

During the conference were presented and project actions that occurred: photo competition as a reason to start dialogue about local cultural heritage and its relation with Balkan context; mapping “Hidden Hydra”And printed material offered for use by locals and visitors; open to the public during an art exhibition, a lighthouse in Aggelochori, Thessaloniki examples of good practice in relation to our heritage common Balkan.

Bulgarian team prepares the project “3 Doors 3 Countries” la Veliko Turnovo, în perioada 12 – 14 noiembrie 2018. Organizația VT Events și TAM – un spațiu pentru inițiativele culturale și sociale – creează o hartă a orașului care va include locații interesante, interconectate pe rute speciale. Prezentarea hărții va include și o dezbatere despre conservarea și exploatarea patrimoniului cultural al orașului, precum și exemple de bune practici din România și Grecia. Activitățile vor include, de asemenea, artă contemporană în spațiile publice, schimbul de tineret între România și Bulgaria și un atelier de lucru, de o săptămână, între meșteri locali și un designer român.

We hope that the events of the Pro Patrimonio Foundation in Campulung will “open doors” in the local community by providing cultural tradition of this city in an international context and especially in the Balkan context.

Organized by the Foundation Pro Patrimonio.
Supported by: Goethe Institute and Cultural Management Academy.

With the support of:
Campulung City Hall
National Center of Cinematography
“Museum in a Box”: Cultural project co-funded by the National Cultural Fund Administration and run by the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the financing.


Landscape workshop May 2018

Landscape workshop May 2018

Another landscape workshop at the Golescu Villa in Câmpulung Muscel ended between May 14th and May 20th. The work team started work on the main driveway that goes up to the park and cleaned it until the first terraced area. In this context, it discovered a very well-groomed ditch which in the past collected water.

The garden spoiled and rewarded us with the blooming tulip tree and a whole symphony of flowers and shrubs in bloom. It should be noted that the roses planted last year during the similar workshop have caught roots and are growing beautifully.

As in all the previous years, the workshop also involved discovering the place, the concept of landscape observation extending the study area to other beautiful places in Lereşti, Mateiş or Dragoslavele.

The tour of the mansions – the second in this year’s series – and the Landscape Workshop are developing under the umbrella of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. More details on the reportage of Muscel TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIAQwq9XQdA


Heritage Workshop for kids, Villa Golescu, May 2018

Heritage Workshop for kids, Villa Golescu, May 2018

Another tour of workshops for children held at the manors looked after by Pro Patrimonio – Perticari- Davila Manor in Izvoru village, Neamțu Manor in Olari village and Golescu villa in Câmpulung – has come to an end. This second tour was coordinated by our generous Andreea Machidon supported by dedicated and special volunteers. For the very first time, we would like to thank one of the mothers, Daniela Marchidan, who has worked with patience and care with the children as well as with her 10-year old son. They have helped not only in the organization, but also in the process of creating objects. We also give our warm thanks to the extremely creative and fun Isabella Madauna, architecture student.

The theme of this tour around the manors was getting close to and understanding nature and natural elements by means of observation and reinterpreted drawing. The teams of children from the three manors managed to paint botanical elements on lunch-box type pouches suitable for gatehring plants, leaves or nuts and which will soon be on sale. They also designed their own pencil-case type minipouches for school which they personalized using the stamp technique after having made their ow FIMO stamps.

They managed to create an adorable series of colourful agendas using a simple method of book binding. These are to be their private agendas with modules they can change by themselves once they run out of clean pages. A very useful instrument for their future creative development is the notion of font that they found out about and which they exercised on their new agendas. The work was done outside in Neamțu Manor and Golescu Villa, the children fully enjoying nature, while at Izvoru the workshop took place inside the canteen rebuilt during the former workshops.

Tour of the Manors is the second from the series this year and is part of a more ample Pro Patrimonio Foundation project, Education for Heritage undergo this year under the umbrella of the European Year of Cultural Heritage #EuropeForCulture, #EYCH2018

Workshop Masks Villa Golescu February 2018

Workshop Masks Villa Golescu February 2018

Under the careful guidance of Andeea Machidon 12 children from Olari village gathered at Neamțu Manor on February 16 and 25 children from Câmpulung got together at Golescu Villa on February 17 and got to work creating MĂșTIȘOARE. The stories of characters who once lived in Câmpulung as well as stories from the creative-ludic world of Romanian traditional masks were retold in drawing through the crafts and culinary projects.
At the end, the cinematographic moment specific to the manor workshops was doubled by a series of creatively „assembled” snacks under the shape of characters … to be tasted.
Special thanks to teacher Liliana Chera, Andrei Săvescu (Asociația Edu Action) and the Scouts Patrole Units in Câmpulung, as well as to the dedicated volunteer, architect Roxana Jilescu.
Education for Heritage/ Educație pentru patrimoniu is one of Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s 4 projects underway this year under the umbrella of the European Year of Cultural Heritage – EYCH 2018. It consists in a series of heritage educative workshops dedicated to children taking place on heritage sites in three different locations: Neamțu Manor in Olari village, Olt county, Perticari- Davila Manor in Izvoru village, Argeș county, and Golescu villa in Câmpulung, Argeș county.
#EuropeForCulture, #EYCH2018

Landscape Workshops, 2012-2016

Landscape Workshops, 2012-2016

The series of landscape and gardening workshops at the Golescu Complex between 2012-2016 are connected to European concerns about the notion of cultural landscape (with a special cultural value resulting from the interaction between man and the natural environment) which the natural landscape is an integral part of. At the same time, the process and knowledge resulting from the workshops represent a period of professional exchanges and training on the topic of the landscape which have contributed to the creation of a Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung.

The landscape plays an important role in the cultural, ecological, environmental and social fields and represents the support of economic activity (landscape protection, management and planning can contribute to creating new work places) according to the European Landscape Convention in Florence, 2000, ratified by Romania through Law 451/2002.

Also, the workshops dedicated to gardening that occurred in the open park and at Golescu Villa are based on the philosophy that “a historic garden is an architectural and vegetal composition that, from a historical and artistic point of view, presents public interest” (Historic Gardens Charter, Florence, , 1982).

As a result, the gardening workshop in August 2012 coordinated by landscape designer Nicolas Triboi, attended by students from landscape design at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, focused on gardening, landscape reading, explorations into the agricultural area, talks about biodiversity change, etc.

Basically, in 2012 Pro Patrimonio wanted to organize a gardening workshop based on the model of volunteer work sites organized by the French association Rempart. The workshop objectives were to clean the garden and initiate the use of gardening tools (scissors, scythes, saws, wheelbarrow etc.), clean the old trees, extend the garden (by creating new paths and green chambers in the grove toward the forest), renovate the stone walls (dry masonry), build a pergola (reconstruction after an archive photography) etc.

The next workshop in 2013 supervised by landscape architects Nicolas Triboi and Clément Briandet (both graduates of the École National Supérieure du Paysage de Blois et Versailles) explored in depth the concept of landscape. From the garden of Golescu Villa to the great landscape, the program of this training workshop combined theoretical presentations with debates and practical activities on the chosen topics related to the evolution of the landscape, and with meetings with local personas who shape these landscapes in relation to Golescu Villa.

Honest Goods Collection

Honest Goods Collection

Golescu Villa and the Honest Goods Collection, object design and craft in relation to architectural heritage

The project is part of the strategy Honest Goods Foundation Pro Patrimonio to conceive a sustainable heritage brands. Series objects Honest Goods reflect a practical project pioneering object design and craftsmanship which resulted versatile items of daily use which solves the needs of general validity – lighting, utensils, fabrics and accessories for cooking and dining – and sitting under sign architectural heritage and cultural landscape. The uniqueness of the collection is given by inspiration of designers, local craftsmen technical, creative and production process open-ended type The unique character of this collection is marked by the designers’ inspiration, the local craftsmen’ techniques and the creative and production process which has an open ending akin to research by design. .

The exploit started in 2016 with sources of inspiration gathered from Golescu Villa (heritage building in Câmpulung, Argeș county), the needs of the place and its surroundings by respecting customs, crafts and materials in the Muscel area starting from the notion of cultural landscape. We aimed to reuse a historical monument not through conservation and institutionalization, but through inhabitation and integration in daily life.

The multi-disciplinary team made up of architects, designers and students documented the craftsmen in the villages, searched for structural solutions for fittings and finishing starting from basic human needs. Within this “locomotive” project, we wish to respect the following principles that reveal our vision about design (without imposing a certain style): functionality in relation to local materials, contemporary usage, multi-functionality, versatility, (objects should enable usage indoors and outdoors, in a rural or urban setting, in the domestic and public space), objects must be compact, modular, ergonomic.

As part of the “locomotive” project we aim to abide by the following principles, which attest to our vision of design (without imposing any particular style): functionality in relation to material, contemporary practices of use, multi-functionality, versatility (objects can be used inside and outside, in the country and in the town, in the domestic and in the public space), and objects that should be compact, modular, ergonomic. The result is a collection of variable geometry that can produce experimental series. The process of realisation has shown that the craftsman/designer relationship is constructed with patience and reciprocal understanding. There are challenges on both sides: the designers construct their ideas setting out from local techniques and idiom, while the craftsmen adapts and even extend their craft in collaboration with the designers.

The idea and the objectives have been first tested internationally at the London Design Festival in September 2016 and nationally at the exhibitions in Galeria Posibilă, Bucharest (2016) and Golescu Villa in Câmpulung Muscel (2016).

Models rethought and rebuilt after the experiment phase initiated in 2016 have been exhibited at the Romanian Design Week (RDW) 2017 , at the Threads of Tradition exhibition, organized by RDW and Romanian Cultural Institute Madrid (Central de Diseño de Diseño, Centro Cultural Matadero, Madrid, 15 June-16 July 2017) and at the exhibition Forumul Tradițiilor Creative (Muzeul Țăranului Român, Bucharest, 5-10 September, 2017).

Designers: Andreea Machidon, Ruxi Sacaliș, Veronica Olariu

The Honest Goods catalogue can be found here.

The series of Honest Goods objects is available for purchase online on Pro Patrimonio’s website at Shop Honest Goods

Heritage Workshops for Kids, 2014-2016

Heritage Workshops for Kids, 2014-2016

The educational workshops for children called “Ghiduş de Câmpulung” (“Coltish in Câmpulung”) that had Golescu in Câmpulung Muscel as their start point, tried to get children acquainted with the notions of architecture and heritage. Everything started from questions like: What do you think are the most interesting places in your city? How about the least appealing? Do you know the buildings that are considered historical monuments? How about the meaning of “heritage”? What do you lack in your city? What do your parents and grandparents lack in the city? What would be the community project you would start tomorrow? What are your favourite public spaces? How would you describe the setting on your way home from school?

To “playfulness Campulung” in 2015, coordinated by Arch. Alexandra Mihailciuc and visual artist Delia Popa, children learned to work in stone from a master of Albesti.

To “playfulness Campulung” 2016 children explored assembly Golescu and city images and keywords: the story of my house designed by another exchange with children in the village Izvoru (jud. Arges), home-mask, discover as imagine what is behind the facade ?, Câmpulungului map proposals and interventions to promote step by natură- as Villa Golescu media through a treasure hunt ?,, surveys and maps emotional baton drawing.

The workshops were developed by Povestașii in collaboration with Artcrowd and offered free of charge to the children of Câmpulung Muscel by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation.

Textile Restoration and Conservation Workshops, 2015-2016

Textile Restoration and Conservation Workshops, 2015-2016

The textile workshops which have taken place at the Golescuu Villa (July 2015 and 2016) were created as means of raising awareness, a theoretical and practical education that allowed participants to grow familiar with the notion of cultural landscape in general (local architectural values, living styles, gastronomy, economic exchanges).

Textiles make up an important part of the cultural heritage values which must be rediscovered, preserved and passed on to future generations. Textiles are testimonies of technology, fashion, aesthetics, and social life in a certain period of time and provide information about hidden aspects of daily life in the past.

The workshop participants got acquainted with the mysteries of restoration and preservation of heritage textiles, learned about the complexity of the restoration process, and did hands-on practice on original textiles from the Golescu collection.

The workshops were coordinated by eng. Dr. Carmen Marian, specialist in conservation and restoration of archaeological textile patrimony, former researcher at the Textile Restoration Laboratory of the Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration Centre of the National Museum Complex “Moldova”, Iași.



Landscape Workshop, 2017

Landscape Workshop, 2017

In 2017, the work with participants involved repairing the stone structures of the garden walls, cleaning the vegetation and helping to reconstruct an old pergola.

Workshop coordinators were landscape architect Nicolas Triboi and architect Raluca Munteanu.

“We manage to cover maintenance costs [for villa and Golescu Park] through cultural activities, but sometimes other sources (sponsorships) are required for current repairs. This year we had a landscape workshop where the participants paid a participation fee which financed the renovation works of the historic park: new plants, materials (stone, lime for paving etc.)”, explains arch. Raluca Munteanu – program director of Pro Patrimonio Foundation.

“The 15 participants (British volunteers from the National Trust, French and Romanian landscape architects) have rebuilt the outdoor pavement, the rose pergola, made necessary vegetation and sanitation operations. In the dendrological park with rare species, a paw-paw tree, a larch, a black pine, a Canadian maple can now be found. We expect them to grow alongside the tulip tree and all the other existing plants. Interestingly, the cleaning activities have unveiled that the park terraces are drained throughout the entire surface through a layer of stones over on top of which the grassy ground is found, thus the water is filtered through the stone and drained, so the terraces are very stable. This is another sign still that the garden, in its entirety, was cleverly designed from the very beginning. Besides the hands-on gardening activities, inter-cultural exchanges and the influence of the place and the landscape have played their part. The participants made trips to Saint Marina church – among the oldest in Câmpulung, the Heroes’ Cemetery in Lereşti, the church in Bilceşti and the Alimănişteanu Mansion in Bilceşti. They ate at one of the local housewives in the village of Lunca Gârtii and went by car to see the traditional houses of Dragoslavele. The foreign volunteers were awed by the traditional carpet and rug washing-mechanism (”vâltoare”) from Rucar, as well as the dioramas of Mateusz Mausoleum. All this has endowed them with rich and intense cultural, gastronomic and sensory experiences,” says Raluca Martiş, Pro Patrimonio communications director.


Details about the workshop and Golescu Villa on Bonton TV-show from 25 June 2017:



Culinary Landscape Workshop, 2016

Culinary Landscape Workshop, 2016

In order to explore in depth the concept of cultural landscape, the Golescu Landscape Observatory proposed a new theme for 2016: the connection between the local culinary landscape and contemporary cuisine. If the first series of workshops was dedicated to gardening in the century-old park of the villa, to exploring the setting with its surrounding hills and mountains, in 2016 the Golescu Complex became the starting point where one gets „a taste” of its sublime landscapes.

The workshop was held by two landscape architects (Nicolas Triboi and Alina Adascalitei) and two chefs (French Théo Ducher and local housewife Mariana, Lunca Gârtii village).

Coordinators’ argument: Landscapes are the basis of local products that we can use in our diet. The diversity of the landscapes around Câmpulug ensures a richness often unknown for quality products: warm and fertile plains, cultivated hills, pastoral and wild mountains. What could be friendlier than a good meal that opens the spirit? Isn’t the kitchen the ideal place for sensory reinterpretation of landscapes? Why wouldn’t this be an ideal time to recharge? Vegetables, mushrooms, meat, cheese, herbs… “tell me what you eat so I can tell you who you are!” Landscapes taste good, they are edible and we have to rediscover them in order to better “cook” them.

The workshop included several stages: discovering local products, places of production, producers; tasting local products and their classification, scientific and taste analysis; cooking workshops: the meeting between traditional and contemporary cuisine; editing a recipe guide from the Golescu Villa.



Tablou activitati Culinary Landscape Workshop, 2016

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