Working holidays organized by Foundation Pro Patrimonio in 2019
These holidays are organised by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Romania’s National Trust. The Foundation was set up in 2000 to save, preserve and restore the architectural and cultural heritage of Romania. It provides support for the restoration and re-use of historic buildings and actively promotes the use of appropriate construction techniques and traditional craftsmanship.
1. Traditional lime plaster from Potters The German Manor, Olt
The Olari mansion, a National Heritage Monument, is situated in Olt County and is very close to the Danube. It is one of the few remaining examples of a preserved Neo-Romanian style property in the south of the country. The mansion’s history starts around 1400 and, having been through numerous changes of ownership, it was completely restructured by Ion Mincu, one of Romania’s most celebrated architects. Further changes were made early last century, including the addition of belvedere towers and balconies, in a style heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau movement.
The working holiday will focus on using traditional techniques for plaster on interior and exterior walls.
Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Olari.
Accommodation: You can choose from camping on site (2 tents provided by the Foundation) or 2 rooms (each with 3 beds) in the mansion. Bedding is provided, please bring towels.
Dates: 15/07/2019 – 21/07/2019
Price: 160 € (£145*) for camping or 200 € (£181*) for accommodation in the mansion. (*An approximate GBP £ price based on an exchange rate of 1.1022 on 24 Oct 2018.)
2. Learn Blacksmithing & Traditional Crafts at the Manor, Moldavia
Aceasta este o oportunitate de a încerca şi învăţa meșteșugurile tradiționale în zona în care Petre Carp a construit un conac la sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea. Mai multe clădiri anexe au fostridicate de-a lungul anilor, inclusiv un mausoleu neo-gotic de familie proiectat de Gustave Eiffel. Conacul, clădirile înconjurătoare și parcurile istorice formează un ansamblu arhitectural unic în regiunea deluroasă a Moldove din estul României. În prezent, conacul este un centru cultural în continuă dezvoltare, iar în fiecare vară, Asociația Maria, în parteneriat cu Pro Patrimonio, organizează ateliere care acoperă diverse meșteșuguri tradiționale, inclusiv fierărie, sculptură în lemn, tehnici de restaurare, ceramică, tâmplărie, conservare frescă și tencuieli. Vacanţa de lucru de lucru va fi centrată în jurul acestor ateliere.
Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Tibanesti.
Accommodation: Accommodation and meals are provided in several historic buildings in the grounds.
Dates: 28/07/2019 – 11/08/2019
Price: 260 € (£236*) This price includes planned visits to some local attractions. There is the opportunity to organise additional visits for an extra charge. (*An approximate GBP £ price based on an exchange rate of 1.1022 on 24 Oct 2018.)
3. Permaculture in the Historical Park at Izvoru, Southern Central Romania
Această vacanţă oferă șansa de a descoperi istoria și frumusețea Conacului și Parcului Perticari-Davila din Izvoru alcătuit din 100 de hectare de-a lungul văii râului Teleorman. În ultimul an, datorită restabilirii activității agricole zona locală a revenit încet la viață. Folosind practici agricole care respectă oamenii și natura și veți fi parte a unei echipe care va contribui la crearea unei agriculturi durabile și autonome la scară mică, inspirată de principiile permaculturii. Scopul este ca acesta să devină un model pentru numeroasele situri din regiune care au fost distruse în timpul și după perioada comunistă. Organizatori sunt Asociația Domeniul Davila-Perticari și Fundația Pro Patrimonio.
Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Izvoru.
Accommodation: You can choose from camping on site or stay in one common sleeping room with 4 beds. Bedding is provided, please bring towels.
Dates: 08/07/2019 – 14/07/2019
Price: 120 € (£109*)
To book please email: stating your preferred holiday and contact details. For more information about this organisation go to
During the workshops held in Mihăileni in August, the 20 children from the project created through their research and works a series of materials that we gathered as was natural in an exhibition. It was opened in the courtyard of George Enescu’s House. The parents and the local community in general received it with great interest and even pride. These children’s perspectives – ages ranging from 7 to 12- on their village, local resources and possibilities is a unique approach from which we can all find inspiration and hope, so we set out to organize this exhibition online as well.
The topics they had to cover during the days of the workshops or camp – as the children from the local community beautifully called it – were very varied.
The main project team was composed of Andreea Machidon and Mihai Petrescu
Teammates: Luiza Simion, Ana Maria Apostoiu and Irinia Novac;
Specialized trainers: Andreea Tincea – sound and Smaranda Ilie – animation
The ANIMEST team
The management of the Mihăileni school and local coordinator Adrian Hariga
“EventFullDays at the Enescu House – cultural-musical explorations and exercises” is a cultural project realized by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation in partnership with the UiPath Foundation and co-financed by AFCN.
Between August 14 and 22, 2020, the Enescu House opened its doors to the community!
We celebrated the end of the restoration site with a wide range of workshops and activities dedicated to children from Mihăileni and a piano concert by pianist Raluca Ştirbăţ on August 19, George Enescu’s birthday.
Around 20 children from Mihăileni benefited from an intense eight-day program dedicated to the exploration and creative transformation of local resources. The experiments were aimed at children’s befriending the idea of built heritage having as landmark and object of study the Enescu House itself. The whole project was enriched with meals with the team, sports and board games and evenings with animated films dedicated to the whole community.
At the first inquiry into the community, the children received each an Explorer’s Notebook that accompanied them in the mapping exercise of the elements that define the surroundings of the Enescu House – materials, craftsmen, objects, built spaces, natural spaces, stories, customs, recipes or plants. The work on the Notebooks was the basis for the first two workshops for the construction of a series of interactive local maps with elements of objective presentation, proposals and visions adapted to the requirements of the inhabitants and personal hiding places in the form of stories.
On the day dedicated to sound, through games and exercises the children observed the vibration of various elements in their immediate vicinity, tested voices and instruments, built handcrafted musical instruments and tuned their energies in an impromptu orchestra.
Within the workshop dedicated to the architecture specialist, the children built a house-lighting fixture with 5 layers of walk-in and creative understanding of the Enescu House: golden plan and proportions, component materials, specialized terms and graphic representations, the main section of the house and the interior in its past and future of phase.
In the role of landscapers, the children proposed scenarios for arranging the courtyard of the Enescu House and created structures from woven twigs for future climbing plants.
The team researched the history of the house, proposing together with a specialist an animation with its story and some moments George Enescu spent in Mihăileni.
The celebration of the official opening of the Enescu House brought together the children at the concert in the form of hosts and hopeful helpers in organizing the event.
The works and research gathered, the sports games practiced in all the afternoons in the backyard and the friendships made during this time were used as a pretext for a big final exhibition and a series of competitions with awards. The festive day created an opportunity to gather a large audience, curious about the children’s work and gathered the teams in sports competitions, fun games, ingenious rehearsals and dancing choreography. The badminton competition took place with a generous audience of parents, relatives, friends and neighbours, but also with tempting prizes. The children-parents culinary test gathered 15 local dishes, judged with great seriousness by all the tasters present on a musical background offered by a local children’s orchestra from Vicov.
The eight days were real educative and creative rehearsals for children, an opportunity to make friends with serious tools, such as: motosaw, drills, saws, pyrography tools or carving knives and playful challenges, local stories and reflections.
Starting with the first day, the children claimed the term workshops and turned it into a camp. No one was interested in the lunch break at home and everyone preferred to stay in the backyard for continuous game sessions or help offered to the team for various chores. The house courtyard was not large enough for the daily requests from children from all over the community to participate in the events, but the rules of distance imposed by the pandemic forced us to limit the number of participants, but also to promise that in better times we will put more workshop places available.
By the end of this year we intend to leave room for a surprise DIY kit, a future online exhibition of works and explorations from this summer, a presentation film for the project and a future digital map with the craftsmen around Enescu House.
None of this would have been possible without the basic team: Andreea Machidon and Mihai Petrescu set off with: trainers – teammates Luiza Simion, Ana Maria Apostoiu and Irinia Novac; specialized trainers Andreea Tincea – sound and Smaranda Ilie – animation; film specialist Alin Iacob; graphic specialist: Mona Petre; ANIMEST team; the school management from Mihăileni and the local coordinator Adrian Hariga.
The “camp” at the Enescu House started in 2020 and we all hope that it will be an event that will enrich the place every year.
“EventFullDays at the Enescu House – cultural-musical explorations and exercises” is a cultural project realized by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation in partnership with the UiPath Foundation and co-financed by AFCN.
The activity event calendar in the community from Mihăileni are the following:
August 14 – Map of Local Resources – transformation of research done by children through the Explorer’s Notebook into interactive thematic maps and proposals for activating Mihăileni
August 15 – Emotional Map and Imaginary Map of Mihăileni – personal perspectives and views on where they live in the form of DIY projects
August 16 – Sound Workshop – sound research and interpretation, along with group experiments and the practice of building a musical instrument
August 17 – Film Workshop – theoretical elements and the practical exercise of making a short film about local resources
August 18 – Heritage Caravan – Who is the landscape designder? – proposing a 3D plan for arranging George Enescu’s house garden and the exercise of some artistic installations made of wickerwork
August 19 – Heritage Caravan – Who is the historian? – discovering the story of George Enescu’s house, of the one who lived in it and of some musical elements from George Enescu’s work, in the form of a dynamic game with physical and cultural tests
August 20 – Heritage Caravan – Who is the architect? – discovering the constructive layers of the house by creating a model-object
August 21 – Animation Workshop – theoretical elements and the practical exercise of making an animation about the story of Enescu’s house: the construction of frames and characters, animation of frames, filming, sound and editing
August 22 – Festive Day in the Community – exhibition with children’s works, culinary contest in the community and other surprise elements addressed to the whole community.
In all nine evenings we will have an animation and film program open to the whole community – within the available places – with the support of ANIMEST and ONE WORLD ROMANIA.
Supplemental: August 19 – The Inauguration Concert of George Enescu’s house in Mihăileni performed by pianist Raluca Ştirbăţ and soprano Ileana Tonca, active supporters of saving the house, will take place in the house and will be broadcast outside to a small audience in the yard
All 15 children who will take part in the program were selected with the help of community teachers based on their interest.
EventFull Days al Casa Enescu – Cultural-Musical Explorations and Exercises is one of Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s cultural projects, co-funded by AFCN and carried out in partnership with the UiPath Foundation, which started in early July through a mapping and research of local craftsmen and will continue in August with heritage workshops for children, an inaugural concert on August 19 and other surprises that we hope we can safely put into practice.
EventFull Days al Casa Enescu – Cultural-Musical Explorations and Exercises is one of Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s cultural projects, co-funded by AFCN and carried out in partnership with the UiPath Foundation
The Project ”Enescu Festival – cultual-musical explorations and exercises” has started!
In order to better know the location of George Enescu’s House and its surroundings, we proposed to start to start the exercise of mapping craftsmen and local resources around the house between July 1-4, 2020. Two teams patrolled for four days within a radius of approximately 50-60 km around the architectural object to sketch the story around Mihăileni.
The route was based on maps of existing craftsmen online și,valuable and rich information collected from ethnographic museums and tourist information centres in the area and clues provided by the locals themselves. The abundance of craftsmen in these places forced us to make a forced selection of field visits and to keep the research tracks open for other times.
We managed to visit 25 craftsmen and we got acquainted with the cultural differences and similarities of Bucovina and Moldova on foot through villages and cities or through museum research.
Even if the theme of this project is limited to research, our ideas for future collaborations have already started having met such skilled craftsmen and from such varied areas.
In the marathon experience of field research I met: blacksmiths, weavers, sculptors and carpenters, stonemasons, skinners, glassmakers and weavers. As in the research at Câmpulung Muscel in Argeş County, around Villa Golescu, we were impressed by both the joys and the hardships of each craft.
We hope the preservation and re-adaptation of all these traditions will someday be the object of a future Honest Goods collection from George Enescu’s House in Mihăileni and to incite as many people as possible to access the existing human and cultural resources nearby.
We would like to thank the craftsmen for lodging us and for their stories, as well as the volunteers, Ruxandra Sacaliș and Ana Luiza Simion without whom we would not have been able to find out so many things.
“The Enescu House Festival – cultural-musical explorations and exercises” is one of Pro Patrimonio’s cultural projects co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
This summer the restoration of George Enescu’s House in Mihăileni is completed and we are preparing the opening of its gates to the community and curious people outside with educational activities and thematic cultural events that will be realized with the support of AFCN and the UiPath Foundation. These are meant to bring the house back to life in the context of today and to help an audience as diverse as possible be aware of the house’s cultural value and its potential to redefine itself in contemporary, through its musical-memorial and architectural value, but also through the opportunity it being set around important natural and human resources
We want to lay the foundations of a long-term educational heritage and music program. The project called “Enescu House Festival – cultural-musical explorations and exercises” uses the experience from four years of Heritage Education workshops that we conducted around other heritage objectives – Perticari-Davila Mansion, Neamțu Mansion and Golescu Villa – which we constantly take care of. Elements from the guide “Education for Heritage” ( written at the end of last year are incorporated into this program while elements dedicated to music, specific to the place, are also introduced. The whole approach is completed by a specific research of the local resources whose primary aims are materials, crafts, sounds and stories of the area.
This year’s campaign will run for a cumulative period of about three weeks this summer between July and September. It will include: a research and a creative mapping of the cultural resources of the place, an educational caravan for heritage that will place children in a practical and playful way in the roles of heritage specialists (urban planner, architect, historian and landscaper) , film and animation workshops, a DIY surprise workshop, the challenge of creating and caring for a small garden at Casa Enescu, movie nights in the community and a festive event, along with an online exhibition of the project, addressed to a very wide public range, which gathers the accumulated research and creative experiments and sparks people’s interest in the work and life of George Enescu, in the context of celebrating this day and the international marking of the Beethoven year.
“The Enescu House Festival – cultural-musical explorations and exercises” is one of Pro Patrimonio’s cultural projects co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
UiPath Foundation is a partner of Pro Patrimonio Foundation in the program “The Academy of Music and Education for Children” which takes place from February 2020 at the House of George Enescu in Mihăileni.
Our projects for heritage education have focused from the beginning on the consolidation of a lasting relationship between a community and the cultural elements of value in its immediate vicinity through a more or less structured series of workshops and events dedicated to young audiences.
During the last 3 years, the communities of children around Neamțu Manor, Olari, Perticari-Davila Manor, Izvoru and Golescu Village, Câmpulung-Muscel, have benefited from constant activities that investigated the local material and immaterial heritage through games, models, hands-on workshops, crafts, exhibitions or film screenings in the community.
Through the project “EDUCATION FOR HERITAGE” this year we managed to structure, transform and enrich in a structured heritage program our meetings and workshops organized so far.
Through the project “EDUCATION FOR HERITAGE” this year we managed to structure, transform and enrich in a structured heritage program our meetings and workshops organized so far
In each of the 3 communities, it included 4 hands-on workshops playing the role of field specialists: urban planner, architect, landscape designer, artist or craftsman and a final meeting, dedicated to the whole community, with animation and cinema workshops adapted to local stories, constructive adventures, culinary contests, movie evenings and even camping at the manor.
Who is it for?
The guide “Heritage Education” gathers all this experience and even completes the activities with new challenges. This is a structured proposal for introducing children to the world of heritage and for a more in-depth exploration of the built and natural cultural values and the crafts in the area where the courses take place. It is an initiative that aims to connect the community to local resources and the practical and creative activation of the space it inhabits.
How do you use it?
The proposed activities and programs invite children to explore the surrounding universe by playing the part of different specialists and integrating different ideas into 1: 1 scale projects in their community. They can be integrated throughout the school year, can be the subject of the school week A Different Kind of School, can be thought of as holiday activities or freely integrated into any desired program.
Why is it necessary?
The segment Education for Heritage addressed to young people has emerged as a direct consequence of the need for community involvement in the projects of restoration and activation of the built heritage carried out by the foundation in various places in the country.
We hope that this guide will best respond to the needs and curiosities of children and provide real help in as many of the communities where development is desired in direct relation to local cultural values.
“Education for Heritage” is an open publication available online, an incipient form of a possible future course to be implemented as an optional in the school curriculum, which awaits suggestions and improvement advice from users.
The guide can be downloaded directly from the Pro Patrimonio Foundation Online Library:
Former Concordia Hotel in Bucharest, a Forgotten Place in Modern Romanian History
Pro Patrimonio Foundation and the Bucharest Branch of the Order of Architects in Romania together with intellectuals and cultural institutions drew attention through a public campaign sustained annually since 2013 to the state of degradation the former Concordia Hotel Hotel in Bucharest is sin, the place where on 23 January 1959, Alexandru Ioan Cuza was elected president of Wallachia after having been elected president of Moldova on 5 January. The 1852 building included on the list of historical monuments of Bucharest 2010 under no. 2025, code LMI B-II-m-B-19708, is a private property and in an advanced state of ruin despite the numerous efforts of recent years made by the civil society, intellectuals, artists, journalists and architects.
In 2013 architect Şerban Sturdza underlined that the civil society is directly responsible for the fate of buildings and historical areas because they are our common inheritance, so we can’t stand by and wait for problems to fix themselves. “The people who represent the Municipality must be forced in a direct but not discreet manner to do their job, and with regard to the Historic Center, the work is not finished simply because we can go there during the summer and have a beer at the terraces on the buildings’ ground floor. This glitter of civilization relates only to pleasure and to a dose of irresponsibility, because, in parallel, efforts necessary to keep these buildings standing are not being made. This matter of the protection of historic buildings is a big lie. We protect the area, but no house is protected, it’s absurd “he declared.
More details here:—s-a-pecetluit-unirea-principatelorsalvata-flacari-ingropata-ignoranta-1_50ffafb6aa73e8e04b3427a6/index.html
At the request of Pro.Do.Mo. Asociația and Pro Patrimonio Foundation, in 2016 the international organization World Monuments Fund nominated Bucharest among the world’s most endangered historical sites. The WMF chooses sites and heritage objectives that have international urban value and has been interested in saving worldwide architectural and cultural heritage for over 50 years.
The capital of Romania has been nominated for the category “Historic Center in Danger” on the 2016 World Monuments Watch list due to demolition or abandonment of heritage buildings, uncontrolled development and destructive rehabilitation interventions. As a result, the city has been included in a monitoring program regarding public policies for heritage protection. The imminent risk of a massive earthquake jeopardizes most of the city’s heritage buildings.
On 3 March 2017, Watch Day 2017 focused on a call to action for the Capital, facing imminent threats and challenges from the perspective of heritage vulnerability and seismic risk. The event had two components: Watch Day – Vulnerable Bucharest – Debate. Book Launch and Watch Night – Vulnerable Bucharest, informal meeting – Book launch, movies and experiences..
Bucharest, the European capital with the highest seismic risk, abounds, especially in its central area, in buildings with a grade I seismic risk, which implies an imminent collapse at the first major earthquake. In the case of an earthquake like the one in 1977, today’s Bucharest would lose a large number of modernist blockhouses and nineteenth-century houses that sheltering thousands of people today. The human, material and city losses would be major (see
As an example, Magheru Boulevard is itself an archive of modernist buildings with an internationally recognized cultural and architectural value. 15 historical monument buildings, 9 buildings with a class I seismic, 5 buildings with a class II seismic, 65,000 sqm of built environment in danger, 150,000 sqm area in danger, 2000+ inhabitants, 5000+ people in daily transit are figures that outline the current situation of boulevard.
Here’s an awareness-raising film made by Pro Patrimonio Foundation, World Monuments Fund and Association Pro.Do.Mo.:
World Monuments Watch is a global program launched in 1996 aiming to attract international attention to cultural heritage sites around the world. The program provides an opportunity for nominated sites to raise public awareness, promote local participation, encourage innovation and collaboration, and highlight alternative solutions.
Watch Day 2017 – Vulnerable Bucharest was organized by the Romanian Center for Innovation in Local Development (Centrul Român pentru Inovație în Dezvoltare Locală)), MKBT: Make Better, the Order of Architects in Romania – Bucharest Branch, with initiators Pro.Do.Mo and Pro Patrimonio.
At the end of 2010, Bucharest City Hall decided to start works for the North-South Diameter, based on the Local Urban Plan for the Buzeşti-Berzei-Uranus Diameter. The demolitions have brought back painful memories to the inhabitants of Bucharest, especially through the way they were implemented (executed at night, without dismantling the valuable pieces to be reused fully or as materials, with the evacuation of the inhabitants in winter). The prerequisites for the project were fluency and increase of car traffic transit without the analysis of the consequences on the overall mobility, ignoring the complex reality of life and living in the neighborhood.
The Matache area, in the center of Bucharest, has undergone dramatic and radical changes that have left their mark on the community leaving its neighborhood and heart, the historical monument Matache Hall (demolished overnight on 25 March 2013), in a state of social and economic disintegration. Civil society actions against the demolition of historical monuments drew attention to the need to regenerate and integrate the project, to modernize streets with more complex projects aiming to revitalize urban and social tissue.
Currently, the area is abandoned by the administration and looks as a huge unhealed wound.
Pro Patrimonio Foundation has been involved in rescuing the area and Matache Hall, and suggested hands-on solutions for urban regeneration and dialogue with the administration. Two witness-lines were born.
The first is the volume Who is afraid of the Matache neighborhood? Principles of urban regeneration for the Matache area – North Railway Station in Bucharest (Pro Patrimonio 2012), a manifest book, a project book, a book witness to a concentrated urban activism phenomenon, that imagines that anyone can have an initiative and suggest solutions for neighborhoods and cities. At the time of the book’s release, February 2012, the North-South Diameter operation seemed to be far from over and there was hope for Hala Matache to remain standing (unfortunately, it would be demolished on 25 March 2013). The volume created by Mirela Duculescu was awarded the ex aequo national prize for the book section, the National Architecture Biennial 2012.
The full text of the book is available here: Matache link
The second direction is the 2016 documentary film by Dragoș Lumpan Matache. Berzei-Buzeşti ,based on an dense material. Changes in the area are captured in filming, timelapse, and photos taken between 2010 and 2016. The film includes interviews with architects, urban planners, anthropologists, and representatives of the civil society, residents and merchants in the area, former mayor of Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu, and archive images. The film provides an objective perspective on a specific urban tissue, and is an example and case study for other cities facing similar situations. The film benefited from the financial support of the National Cultural Fund Administration and received the AFCN Award for Innovation in the Promotion of Architectural Heritage in 2016.
Follow this link for news about the film and project (work in progress) Platforma Matache.