Participation in the European project UREHERIT, Rozdil, Lviv  region, Ukraine

Participation in the European project UREHERIT, Rozdil, Lviv region, Ukraine

July, 28th – August 11th, 2024, Rozdil

Pro Patrimonio Foundation participated in August in the UREHERIT program where more than 50 Ukrainian and Romanian volunteers were involved in conservation works at the Lanckoronski-Rzewuski Palace in Rozdil, Lviv region, Ukraine.

The educational program and conservation works took place within the framework of the International Heritage Summer School organized in the framework of the European project UREHERIT by two of the 11 consortium partners – Ro3kvit: Urban Coalition for Ukraine and Romanian Order of Architects (OAR) – with the involvement of Heritage UA, Building Ukraine Together BUR, Pro Patrimonio Foundation, Monumentum Association / Ambulance for Monuments and Studio Govora.

From July 28th to August 11th, 2024, in the village of Rozdil, Lviv region, a Ukrainian-Romanian heritage volunteer camp took place. More than 50 volunteers – students of architecture and cultural studies, members of renowned heritage NGOs and experts from both countries contributed to the educational program and on-site interventions. The focus was on testing different participatory methods and actions for heritage protection and recovery.

On behalf of Pro Patrimonio, architect Raluca Munteanu came back with overwhelming impressions after two weeks spent at the summer school: „I accepted the invitation of the OAR to participate in the workshop in Ukraine, together with colleagues from Ambulance for Monuments and Studio Govora, in order to share Pro Patrimonio’s experience of intervening on historic buildings and working with and educating young people. This time I was the one who learned. I learned from the young volunteers the determination and resilience to get involved and to hope for a normal world, to rebuild both communities and buildings, so brutally, inhumanly and absurdly destroyed. Their resolute spirit and courage have been an inspiration to us, and the two weeks have left behind spaces that the local community is now already using. In times of hardship, the value of these spaces is much greater, because they help to strengthen cohesion. I thank my Ukrainian friends for the lessons learned and my friends and colleagues here with whom I have worked side by side.”

You can learn more about this ambitious program in the detailed material prepared by the Romanian Order of Architects, partner of this project, link here

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