Heritage Education. Pro Patrimonio Strategic Programme

Heritage Education. Pro Patrimonio Strategic Programme


The Future Acceleration Program has entered its fourth year of collaboration and is the flagship intervention of the UiPath Foundation, carried out in Botoșani and Olt counties, with the support of Pro Patrimonio. Through this programme, 70 children from five communities in the proximity of Enescu House and Neamțu Manor benefit from an integrated support package – monthly scholarships, weekly classes in Romanian language and literature, mathematics and English, clothes, school supplies, books, games, food packages, digital equipment, camps – and participate in various activities to develop digital skills and non-formal education.

The Children’s Music Academy is a Pro Patrimonio Foundation Program, continuously run at the George Enescu House in Mihăileni, through which 28 secondary school children benefit from weekly music education lessons in the community. They are currently studying their second instrument, the xylophone, after starting with the flute. Through this programme, the children develop their creativity, artistic sensitivity, practical skills and instrument technique, meet musicians who come to the residencies, and are exposed to a wider culture.

The Heritage Caravan features a series of workshops on a variety of themes, aimed at education and direct learning, through experimentation and creativity, about architectural heritage, memory, local identity, relationships between people, buildings and cultural values. The current stops of the caravan are mainly the communities around the architectural monuments we are dealing with, but the system can be replicated so that more and more children gain a better understanding of where they live, local identity and universal connections, and gain a sustainable perspective in regarding heritage and how it can be exploited. 




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